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All Reseller Hosting & Shared Hosting Plans

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Coupon: ebdda70

30-day money-back Guarantee

Why choose us?

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Our dedicated servers are powered by high quality, enterprise grade hardware from leading players like Dell, HP and Supermicro. Built for speed and unparalleled performance.

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Our servers are built to deliver superior speed and ensure that even the most demanding web server applications run smoothly without any issues.

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Our team is consists of IT professionals in software and hardware related problems and this keeps our support quality in worlds first class.


We are proud to offer one of the highest level of network uptime guarantee (99.95%). Your website would be always up and running.

How It Works?

Start building your website in minutes.


Complete the checkout process, taking advantage of the limited offer. The entire process will take just a minute!

Set up your account

The transfer and setup process takes just a minute! Choose to create a new or transfer your webhost account.

Experience power

Take advantage of the latest web hosting technologies, put power into your project and reap the benefits.

free trial
Risk-Free Trial Program

30-Days No-Risk Guarantee.

Try us for 30 days absolutely risk-free! You are completely protected by our no-risk guarantee program. If by any means you decide to cancel your account over the next 30 days, you'll receive an instant refund, no questions asked.

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Everything You’ll need

We monitor and manage multiple domain centralization in real-time to ensure your websites are always up and running.

server reload

We provide website backup and disaster recovery services in the easiest way possible; saving time and securing data.

open source code
Free SSL

Start protecting your e-commerce, logins, and more in just a few minutes with an automated domain validated FreeSSL.

user system
Convenience Softaculous

Softaculous takes care of the complete application lifecycle inclusive of installation, backup, restoration, and updation.

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Control Panel - cPanel

Easy manage your domain name, renew the order, & make the most of your purchase with our intuitive control panel.

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Security - Imunify360

The comprehensive multi-layered defense architecture ensures precision targeting and eradication of malware and viruses.

Performance - LiteSpeed + LSCache

Boost your WordPress, Joomla, and other dynamic websites performance and manage cache while spiking traffic.

server connnection
Convenience Migrations

We offer convenience website migration services by transferring files, databases, scripts, and free domain registration transfer.

Frequently Asked Questions

At Ebdda, we pride ourselves on offering the best web hosting service possible. Our support is friendly and efficient, and we keep our prices low to ensure that our clients get the best value for their money.If you wish to speak to us further about how to host your site, contact us on live chat or call us today.
Get in touch with the team Chat Now and we'll help you find the best plan for your needs. We never oversell and will always suggest a web hosting plan that's right for you.
Publishing Your Website To publish your website’s files, upload them to your account's public_html directory. You’re able to update your website files whenever you want to. However, your audience won’t be able to view any files that aren’t in the public_html directory (or within the subdirectory beneath public_html). Configuring Your Domain Name If you have a domain name that wasn’t purchased from Ebdda, you’ll need to update that domain's nameservers (DNS). You won't have to do this if you buy your domain from us. It’ll be done automatically for you. The nameservers and their IP addresses are listed in the Product Details of your My Ebdda section. The nameservers for your web hosting account are ns1/2/3/4.ebdda.com. Requesting A Free Website Migration Do you have an existing website that you would like to migrate to Ebdda Hosting? Ebdda Hosting will migrate it from your previous host for free! You can request your free website migration by contacting our Chat Now
We offer a 45-day money-back guarantee on all plans. Try our web hosting and if for any reason you decide it doesn't suit your needs, we'll give you a full refund – no questions asked.
We’re well known for the speed of our web hosting. Our team is constantly developing new features.
Shared hosting is the most basic type of hosting plan, and it is called shared because several websites use the same server, which makes it very cost-efficient.
hosting for WordPress is all about making sure your website is housed on servers that are specifically designed for the WordPress platform. By choosing a provider that specializes in hosting for WordPress such as Ebdda, you can rest assured that your site will enjoy better performance, stronger security against cyber-attacks, and automated updates to apps and plugins

The Highest Rated Web Hosting Company

Checkout our ratings on the most popular review platforms.

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